An 8-Module Online Accelerator to Consciously Market Your Holistic Practice, Grow Your Movement and Positively Impact The World

“Holistic Marketing Mastery is born from my unwavering conviction to empower wellness professionals and conscious creators. As a former reluctant marketer, I intimately understand the challenges and reservations you face when it comes to promoting your transformative work. My purpose is to ignite a paradigm shift in marketing, guiding you towards an authentic approach that aligns with your values.

Together, we will transcend conventional marketing approaches and pave the way for a conscious revolution. Let’s become agents of change in the evolution of human consciousness. Join me on this transformative journey as we unlock your true potential, authentically share your message with the world, and make a lasting impact through the art of holistic marketing.”


Holistic Counselor & Founder of Awakened World


As a holistic counselor and graduate of the MNHC Holistic Center, I’ve embarked on an incredible journey, experiencing the hardships and challenges that my clients face firsthand. I believe that true transformation is the foundation of becoming a life-changing holistic practitioner.

When I completed my studies, I felt a newfound knowledge, like knowing the alphabet but having an entire library of wisdom awaiting exploration. My hunger for spiritual depth led me to attend numerous courses, but it was Eckhart Tolle and his teachings that deeply influenced my path. Thus began my extraordinary journey into the School of Awakening.

With a wealth of courses and experiences shaping my being, I pondered, “What’s next?” The answer came with a resounding call to give back. While working with clients in one-on-one sessions, I yearned to reach and serve more individuals.

However, I discovered that most platforms for wellbeing professionals were inaccessible, demanding attendance at their programs or imposing costly memberships. This lack of freedom didn’t resonate with me.

And so, the vision of Awakened World was born. Its purpose is to unite holistic counselors, life coaches, psychologists, and wellness practitioners of all kinds, allowing them to offer their unique courses and programs and share their gifts with the world—using their own voices. By joining Awakened World, they are avoiding the time and resource-consuming process of creating their own platform or registering a business. Together, united, we will magnify our impact on the world.

To me, the greatest problem humanity faces is separation, and Awakened World’s mission is rooted in unity. I envision a world where we live in alignment with our true selves and the universal laws, embracing the interconnectedness of all beings. Love, compassion, and unity prevail in a harmonious existence.

While each individual’s journey toward the evolution of human consciousness is unique, the destination remains the same—a deeper understanding and connection to self, others, and the universe. 

My mission is to embolden conscious individuals to fearlessly spread their message and contribute to the evolution of human consciousness. Our world is in dire need of courageous individuals who are willing to grow their practices and make a profound impact by serving others.

If you have a product or service that can truly transform lives, it becomes your sacred duty to ensure it reaches those who can benefit from it the most. I am here to offer you unwavering support on this meaningful journey, guiding you towards success and making a difference in the lives of others.

The Holistic Marketing Mastery Program is a powerful distillation of all the marketing courses I have attended. This comprehensive program equips you with the principles, roadmap, tools, and knowledge needed for online success. It saves you time and money, allowing you to navigate the path to your desired outcome.

As a token of my trust in the program’s value, there is a special discount for those willing to join Awakened World and work with me. I trust the program’s information is essential, and its roadmap clearly guides you towards your goals.

Embrace this invitation to transform not only your marketing approach but also your entire perspective on impacting the world. Join me on this empowering journey of Holistic Marketing Mastery, where together, we will make a lasting difference.



In recent times, the business world has undergone significant transformations, ushering in two profound shifts that have reshaped the way we operate..

The first shift centers around customers opting to support purpose-driven companies and brands. No longer swayed by excessive marketing and empty promises, people seek businesses that not only offer exceptional products or services but also demonstrate care for clients, employees, and the communities they engage with. They yearn to understand the deeper essence of your business, your unique story, and the values you embody.

This paradigm shift has flipped marketing on its head, presenting a remarkable opportunity for compassionate professionals and visionary creators.

The second shift stems from the impressive spike in online commerce, which has experienced exponential growth over the past couple of years. Through adept knowledge and strategic approaches, even small-scale companies and solopreneurs can harness the power of online marketing and existing distribution channels to propel their businesses forward with remarkable speed.

Within the Holistic Marketing Mastery Program, you’ll gain the tools and insights to navigate these shifts with ease. With a practical roadmap in hand, you’ll be empowered to attract and serve your ideal customers for long-term success.


If you possess a product or service that has the potential to make a genuine difference in people’s lives, it becomes your moral imperative to reach and serve as many individuals as possible.

Deep within us lies untapped potential, waiting for its awakening. Yet, doubts often hold us back, questioning our worthiness to step forward, share our gifts and transform lives.

The world is standing at a pivotal crossroads and every step you take towards embracing your power and serving others becomes a catalyst for collective transformation. There are countless souls out there, desperately seeking what only you can offer.

It takes one courageous choice to embrace a purpose greater than ourselves.

Share your authentic voice, your heartfelt wisdom, and your boundless love with those who need it most…

Gone are the days of outdated “push marketing” tactics that rely on coercion and pressure, particularly in the realm of personal development and transformation. It’s time for a new paradigm in marketing – one that aligns with your deepest values, fosters micro-transformations even before a purchase is made, and invites customers into profound levels of engagement and growth. This is the purpose of the Holistic Marketing Mastery Program.

By joining this 8-Module Accelerator, you’ll dive deeper into:

  • Authentic social media strategies that foster genuine connections
  • Innovative launching techniques that create positive impact
  • Secrets to building a movement rather than merely selling a product or service
  • Practical ideas to captivate your audience and win their hearts
  • Transforming your marketing into a profit center through feel-good strategies
  • Identifying where the biggest opportunities are right now online

… and much more!



  • Those who want to expand their impact, influence and income
  • Those who believe business can be a force for good
  • Those who are not natural at marketing but who are willing to learn in order to serve others
  • Those who have been in the market and want to know how to amplify their presence
  • Holistic practitioners, therapists & healers
  • Spiritual teachers & author
  • Coaches (Relationship, Health, Business, Marketing, Parenting, and more)
  • Yoga teachers, bodyworkers, acupuncturists, nutritionists & fitness instructors
  •  Other conscious brands


  • Business owners who are solely driven by financial gain and lacking a deeper purpose.
  • Those who do not consider their broader impact on society.
  • Those who won’t use their business as a force for good
  • Those resistant to change and unwilling to challenge their existing beliefs and practices.
  • Entrepreneurs or practitioners who don’t care about the planet and the evolution of  human consciousness
  • People who don’t like to be challenged in any way and are not ready to learn
  • People who want a marketing certification
  • People who are not willing to do the work either during the course or afterward at their own pace


8-Module Online Training to Grow Your Movement, Brand, and Services with Value and Heart. 

Upon enrolling in the program, you’ll gain exclusive access to a meticulously curated series of 8 comprehensive training modules. With each passing week, a fresh module will unlock, guiding you on a transformative journey towards aligning your marketing strategies with a profound sense of purpose. This gradual immersion will empower you to create a significant, positive impact on the world through your marketing endeavors.

Private Online Course Portal with Access to All Trainings

You will receive your own personalized login credentials, providing you with effortless entry to a user-friendly portal offering lifetime access to all course materials, ensuring a joyful and fulfilling learning experience.



Choosing Your Teaching Business Model

This Bonus Module is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about the fundamental structure of your business. This invaluable addition to the program equips you with the following benefits:

  • You’ll gain insights into 4 basic business models, enabling you to tailor your approach to align perfectly with your unique goals and vision
  • You will learn how different business models can impact your profitability, and discover strategies for maximizing your financial success.
  • You will learn how to estimate the potential of your next launch.


Simplifying The Tech

This Bonus Module is a game-changer for those looking to navigate the digital landscape with ease and confidence. It is designed to demystify the often complex world of technology, providing you with the knowledge and skills to simplify your tech-related challenges. Here's what you can expect from this invaluable bonus:

  • We’ll break down intricate tech concepts into straightforward, understandable terms, ensuring you have clarity on all the tech tools you need for your business.
  • You will discover a curated selection of user-friendly tools and software designed to simplify your tech tasks, saving you time and frustration.
  • Learn how to optimize your workflows by harnessing the power of technology, enhancing your productivity and efficiency.


Five Core Funnels To Build Your Business

This Bonus Module is a transformative addition that provides you with a strategic roadmap for achieving your business goals. It empowers you with the essential knowledge and practical guidance to construct marketing funnels tailored to your unique business objectives. Here's what you can expect from this invaluable addition:

  • You’ll gain a deep understanding of the core principles and concepts behind marketing funnels, ensuring a strong foundation for your business growth strategy.
  • You will discover techniques for targeting and engaging your ideal audience at every stage of the funnel, optimizing your marketing efforts for maximum impact.
  • You will explore strategies to boost conversion rates at each funnel stage, transforming leads into paying customers and maximizing revenue.




Holistic Marketing Principles

Discover How To Create A Distinctive Brand That Resonates With Your Ideal Clients, Stays Relevant To Market Shifts, And Fosters A Genuine Sense Of Community

In this training, you will learn:

  • The benefits of holistic marketing principles in a crowded market
  • How to market a movement instead of just a product or service
  • How to encourage customers to share your work with others
  • The difference between persuasion or invitation, vs. coercion
  • The one thing to completely avoid, that may drive away potential customers


Intimacy Marketing

Discover How To Build Strong, Lasting Relationships With Your Audience

In this training, you will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of your audience to create marketing that truly resonates with them
  • Make your ideal client the focal point of your brand story
  • Learn how to empower your audience to make informed decisions without feeling coerced


Your Origin Story – Step by Step

Naturally Connect With Your Target Audience

In this training, you will learn:

  • How to craft a compelling origin story that fosters an authentic connection with your audience
  • How to highlight your values to gain the trust of those who share them
  • How to reveal your story in a way that is appropriate even if you work in a profession that requires discretion


Social Media Stories

Create Content Regularly Even If You’re Short On Time

In this training, you will learn:

  • How to craft social media stories that are engaging, shareable, and simple to create
  • How to share your success stories without coming across as self-promoting
  • The two types of stories you can share if you’re new to social media marketing


Holistic Offer Creation – The Formula

Swiftly Create, Develop and Launch Your Holistic Offer

In this training, you will learn:

  • Mastering the four components of any offer
  • Quickly and accurately determining your customers’ needs
  • Conducting a seed launch to transition from idea to product
  • Strategies for creating a conscious business model that aligns with your values


Mastering the Digital marketing process

Leverage Online Customer Traffic & The Steps For List Building and Funnel Creation

In this training, you will learn:

  • How to leverage multiple social media platforms to increase your business growth
  • Effective strategies for converting your social media followers into email subscribers
  • The fundamentals of paid advertising to drive traffic and expand your reach
  • Funnel creation and how it can benefit your business


Your digital marketing plan

Crafting Your Yearly Digital Marketing Plan

In this training, you will:

  • Identify the essential components of a successful digital marketing plan
  • Determine which platform is best suited to your ideal customer avatar
  • Utilize easy-to-use software and technology to streamline your marketing efforts
  • Plan and record your content in advance, enabling you to maintain a consistent posting schedule


Connecting With Email

Email Marketing Strategies To Build Lasting Relationships With Your Audience, Drive Program and Service Sales

In this training, you will learn how to:

  • Craft compelling emails that encourage people to sign up for your virtual events
  • Create emotional connections with subscribers on your email list and build a sense of trust and loyalty
  • Develop concise and effective email campaigns that fill your programs, resulting in higher impact, engagement and sales


Sales Page Img1


8-Module Online Training to Grow Your Movement, Brand, and Services with Value and Heart. 

Private Online Course Portal with Access to All Trainings

50% Special Discount for Awakened World Members Only



Choosing Your Teaching Business Model


Simplifying The Tech


Five Core Funnels to build your business

Frequently asked questions

The Holistic Marketing Mastery Program is a comprehensive learning experience designed for wellness professionals seeking to align their marketing strategies with a deeper sense of purpose. It’s ideal for holistic practitioners, therapists, healers, spiritual teachers, yoga teachers, bodyworkers, nutritionists, life coaches, and other conscious brands passionate about helping people and making a positive impact in the world through their teachings, courses and marketing efforts.

The Holistic Marketing Mastery Program is a unique, wellness practitioner-oriented guide crafted to assist those in the holistic wellness industry who may feel uncertain about their marketing efforts. This program serves as a comprehensive roadmap, carefully curated to empower you with the tools and knowledge needed to not only expand your holistic practice but also create a profound, positive impact in the world.

Our approach is designed to align your marketing strategies with your core values and purpose, ensuring that your message resonates authentically with your clients. You’ll gain a deep understanding of holistic marketing principles, ethical practices, and practical skills that are tailored to the needs of holistic practitioners.

This program is your bridge to greater success, both professionally and personally. It offers the clarity and knowledge required to navigate the complexities of marketing with confidence, as you embark on a journey to not only grow your practice but also contribute to the well-being of your clients and the world.

Absolutely, the program is tailored specifically for wellness professionals and course creators, making it ideal for those who may be new to marketing and seeking to align their holistic practices with purpose-driven marketing. We’ve crafted the content to provide foundational knowledge and insights suitable for all levels of experience within this specialized field.

There are no specific prerequisites for enrollment. The program is open to anyone interested in holistic marketing and making a meaningful difference through their marketing efforts.

All you need is a relatively recent computer, a relatively recent browser, and a broadband internet connection.

We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about purchasing and accessing the course. For support, you can contact us here. Sometimes our emails might end up in your Junk/Spam/ Promotions folder, so please do check there!

The program is an enriching journey that unfolds over 8 transformative weeks, allowing you to delve deep into the realm of holistic marketing and gradually integrate these principles into your practice for long-term success.

Yes, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace. The program’s modules are prerecorded, and a new module becomes available each week, allowing you to progress steadily. Importantly, you’ll also enjoy lifetime access to the entire program, so you can revisit the content whenever it suits your schedule or if you wish to refresh your knowledge in the future.

The program is set to commence on November 12, 2023.

Simply click below to reserve your spot today, and we’ll see you in the members area!

Upon enrollment, you’ll receive a personal login to our user-friendly online portal, granting you access to the program materials.

Yes, we offer a 50% discount to all Awakened World members, ensuring they have the knowledge and resources to start sharing their gifts and making a positive impact immediately.


Click the button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.

Holistic Marketing Mastery Program


Single payment

  • 8-Weeks Online Training
  • Private Online Course Portal 
  • 3 Bonus Modules

Holistic Marketing Mastery Program



50% OFF for Awakened World Members

Join Awakened World. Take the first step by scheduling a membership interview.

COPYRIGHT 2024 | Awakened World